The hit TV show Bargain Hunt found itself in the middle of a plot to avert Armageddon yesterday when the seven sacred knives of Meggido made a tidy profit of 38 pounds at an auction in Leicestershire.
The knives, which were designed to kill the Anti-christ and described as "a bit shit" by the show's host David Dickinson (left), were sold to a secret society of Monks who beat off a phone bid from the actor Sam Neill. However, the Blue Team (aka Nora and Betty) made a loss of 15 pounds on the day because their second item, the Ark of the Covenant, was judged to be a bit chipped.
Home Secretary David Blunkett has been forced to tone down a recent terrorist warning after admitting that it may have gone too far.
The warning, code-named 'Die Any Day Now', was immediately criticised for scaring the living daylights out of the general public, as this extract clearly demonstrates:
"Maybe Al Qaeda will try to develop a so-called dirty bomb, or some kind of satellite that can destroy nuclear weapons, or maybe they will try to use oil tankers that swallow submarines, or skis rather than planes. They might even use voodoo. The bottom line is that we haven't got a f**king clue. However, we've accounted for just about any possibility with the implementation of the following measures:
the tightening of aviation security just in case they get one of those Airships like Zorin had.
continued legislation against Secret Ice Palaces.
the introduction of ejector seats into all security service vehicles.
a substantial increase in efforts devoted to getting that laser beam in the watch to work."
The public were also warned to be "especially vigilant of volcanoes and men with no earlobes".
Opposition leader Iain Duncan Smith quickly criticised the panic-mongering. "These warnings are the work of pure fantasy - you'd have to be blind not to see that."
As the amount of supplementary material on DVDs increases with each high-profile release it is taking longer and longer to actually sit down and watch the whole package. Up to now the record has been held by the Shrek Special Edition which takes eleven bloody hours to sit through. But that was before the Region 1 Special Edition DVD of Men in Black II which will contain so many extras that to watch them all will take longer than the average human lifetime.
This 14-disc box set includes the film itself in anamorphic widescreen, pan-and scan, letterbox, full-screen and ITV. Each of these has anything up to 18 commentaries by the director, the stars, the costume designer, the special effects men, the dog handler, the caterer and the Assistant to Mr Smith.
Also included on the discs are: every single unused take of every single shot (twice); 4,128 behind-the-scenes photographs; a complete record of every piece of advertising material used for every release in every country in the world; book-length biographical notes on the director, the stars, the costume designer, the special effects men, the dog handler, the caterer and the Assistant to Mr Smith. Plus - a hidden easter egg will feature Rip Torn singing the entirety of Iolanthe by himself, including real-time costume changes.
The Region 2 DVD will not be quite so lavish but it will include scene access, a trailer, and subtitles in Estonian.
Babylon 5 fans are up in arms over the latest cock-up from the technical bods over at Warner Bros who promised that they'd finally get it right and release the show in a proper 16:9 widescreen format for the release of Season 1 on DVD. The reality (see below) was somewhat different.

"I made this" - JMS introduces
his magnum opus
Within seconds of launching the first DVD viewers were horrified to discover that JMS' introduction to the series spared him from the humiliation of looking the fans directly in the eye, but then it got worse, as Bill Phreak from explains: "It's just sloppy. The episode 'And the Sky Full of Stars' suffers the most, resulting in moments where elements have been stretched so thin they are almost at breaking point - and that's just the plot."

'Babylon Squared' - the way
it was meant to be seen
However, a spokesperson from Warners was quick to point out that some of the episodes have been encoded in the correct ratio. "There are many moments where you can really enjoy the B5 widescreen effect on these discs. For example, when you get distracted by that pot-plant in the corner, or an extra inch of MDF paneling next to the Ikea bookshelf. It's like you're watching the show for the very first time!"
ATTACK OF THE CLONES DVD - The Definitive Review
If you simply can't afford it, or if your Nan has bought it for you for Christmas and you're not allowed to buy it yourself, or if you are still waiting for Play to ship it, then here's what you can expect to find when you finally get your grubby little paws on Episode 2 on DVD:
The Film: Ever heard of the expression "shit with sugar on"?
The Commentaries: Marvel as George explains the finer points of negotiating with Sony over camera lenses, while McCallum pontificates on whether hiring 27 technicians for 12 months made better financial sense than getting Frank Oz in for an afternoon.
Documentary: "From Puppets to Pixels" - a 52 minute look at George's experiences of working with Ewan McGregor and his subsequent attempts to turn him into a fully-CGI model for this film. Outstanding moment: George makes Ewan say "Och Aye! Attack of the Clones is a lovely title."

OK, now make him say "George is the greatest
director that I've ever worked for"
Beneath the Beard: Hilarious 'mockumentary' in which the likes of Speilberg, Coppolla and Dreyfuss pretend that George Lucas is really human.
Deleted Scenes: Eight scenes full of plot and characterisation but which got in the way of all that cool CGI. These include: 'Anakin Pops a Zit Using the Force', 'Padme Costume Change No.27', 'More Talking Bits' and the unforgettable 'Yoda Confesses to Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome'.
Out-takes Reel: Laugh yourself silly at many of the out-takes from the making of the film. Guffaw as a matte painter uses the wrong shade of red! Roll on the floor as George catches an animator using a 'George is a Bender' text-scroll as a screen-saver. Chuckle as another geek gets repetitive strain injury from making Yoda's ear twitch imperceptibly. Hold in your sides as a member of ILM spills Dr Pepper on his Willow mousemat. And much, much more!
Trailers: A trip back in time to a moment of innocence when you thought "yeah, this might be OK after all."
Easter Egg - On the main options screen type in the following numbers: 8-15-22-1-18-4-20-8-5-4-21-3-11 - or H-O-W-A-R-D-T-H-E-D-U-C-K - to see some incredibly rare footage of George Lucas giving a real-life human actor some directions.
A former Doctor Who actor responsible for shepherding in a new age of sci-fi television has died at the age of 67, it has been revealed by the BBC.
William Hartnell, fondly remembered by many for his portrayal of a cantankerous old time-traveller, suffered a number of strokes before passing away on 23rd April, 1975.
Responding to the accusation that this was old news, a spokesman for the BBC said "While we realise that many people were already aware of this tragic development, it has been our experience that most Doctor Who fans have great difficulty understanding when something is 'dead and buried'".
The "thank you for your continued support" letter sent by the Sci-Fi channel to fans of Farscape has won the Best New Fiction category at this year's Saturn awards The Pain! The Pain! Lost in Space's Jonathan Harris passes away - from an excruciatingly painful illness as luck would have it
Christopher Lee asked to jump into Richard Harris' grave for undisclosed 6 figure sum
The forthcoming Ghostwatch DVD is said to include an easter egg which explores the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearance of Mike Smith and Sarah Greene's careers
'Lucas Learning' criticised for WWII: Special Edition CD-Rom. "Hitler always wanted neutron disrupters but the technology just wasn't available at the time," explained George Lucas
Documentary series about the 1990s to include an episode dedicated to the definitive history of Gillian Anderson internet porn
The UK Snooker Championships will suspend play for 45 minutes every Monday for episodes of Farscape The next generation of DVDs will play with jam smeared all over them, promise Sony
-NASA to release Moon Landing on DVD with director's commentary, out-takes, storyboard comparisons, deleted scenes (including the classic 'Buzz forgets to put his helmet on') and the first cut of the film without the exciting manual landing sequence
Winona Ryder Found Guilty of appearing in Mr Deeds
BBC buys the rights to air Speilberg's kung-fu epic Tekken |
Get Carter - Sky One
Hard hitting special which sees a group of X-Files fans kidnapping the show's creator and forcing him to explain the ending at gunpoint.
Blame Academy - BBC1
This week: JMS blames TNT, David Kemper blames the viewers and Chris Carter blames David Duchovny.
Causality - BBC1
Charlie Fairhead explains Relativistic Causality and how it applies to Quatum Mechanics as he rubs the back of his neck a lot.
South Bank Show - ITV
This week: Michael Keating aka Vila from Blake's 7. Followed at 10:42pm by the weather.
Faking It - Channel 4
This week: Buzz Aldrin pretends that he's walked on the Moon, with the help of a professional boxer, NASA's PR department and OJ Simpson.
#11: John Leslie
"Fancy a Jelly, Baby?"
Spoilers you can read between seasons without spoiling your appetite:
24: It's that nerdy girl from Roseanne!
Birds of Prey: Batman still isn't in it.
Firefly: Who cares - it'll be cancelled next week anyway.
Metropolis Special Edition DVD with director's commentary from Doris Stokes. £14.99
The 4 Disc "Don't I Feel A Right Prat Now" Director's cut of The Fellowship of the Ring £29.99
Resurrection of the Daleks DVD Includes limited edition brown paper bag to spare acute embarrassment. £19.99
GTA: Vice City PS2 game. Steal Angus Deayton's Ford Capri and then run down John Leslie as he exits a crack whore den! With music by Bobby Brown. £39.99
Should Star Trek fans be allowed to adopt?
1) No - think of the stigma the children will have to endure. 2) Yes - live long and foster
Neil Perryman
Matthew Sawyer
MJ Simpson
Mark H. Wilkinson
David McGowan
Andy Thompson |