Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has confirmed that he gave General Musharraf a VHS copy of Threads during a recent diplomatic mission aimed at calming tensions between India and Pakistan.
The horrific BBC docu-drama which depicts a nuclear attack on Sheffield was given to the Pakistani leader in a concerted effort to "scare the living crap out of him," explained a spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry.
This comes only two weeks after an attempt with The War Game resulted in the accidental screening of a Patrick Troughton Dr Who snozzearama which threatened to spiral into nuclear war, if only to alleviate the boredom.
"Threads was a last ditch attempt," said Tony Blair downwind yesterday. "I remember being appalled when I watched it back in 1984, especially that bit with the sheep. If this doesn't stop them from pushing the button, nothing will."
Following Britain's lead, Donald Rumsfeld has sent the Indian Prime Minister a copy of The Day After. May God help us all.
A fan in Minnesota who downloaded a SVCD copy of Star Wars Episode 3, years ahead of its official release date, has been arrested for being "a clever bastard".
Billy Clarinet (15) claims to have downloaded the movie by accident after a freak time eddy interfaced with his AOL connection, allowing him to view films that haven't even been made yet. "I was just curious," said Billy. "It was a choice between downloading Star Wars 3 or Stuart Little 4. It was a tough call, and ultimately the wrong one."
After watching the film for the first time George Lucas is reported to have said, "Fucking hell, I really blew it this time!"
Oliver Stone is set to direct an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer which will focus on answering the question "How in God's name did Warren manage to shoot Tara like that???"
The episode entitled The Warren Commission is said to blow the gaff on the infamous 90 degree bullet which has divided fans. "The nerd wasn't even aiming," said a forlorn Oliver Stone. "The bullet's trajectory is as believable as Spike's cockney accent."

Oliver Stone's conspiracy napkin
Theories for the real assassin range from a grassy knoll hidden in Willow's closet to a second shooter acting on behalf of the outraged moral minority of America who simply couldn't allow all that lesbian cavorting to go unpunished. Oliver's episode is scheduled to be transmitted in 40 years time.
BBC chiefs have announced that a complete run of every single Doctor Who episode will herald the start of the corporation's plans to celebrate the show's 40th anniversary in 2003.
Beginning on Saturday January 4th at 5.35pm, with episode 1 of An Unearthly Child, the series will run until episode 3 of The Daleks some 9 weeks later (with 2 weeks being taken up by snooker coverage).
"A complete run of Doctor Who is something we have always wanted to do here at BBC2," said spokesperson Garry Trestletable. "Hopefully it will bring the series to a new band of loyal followers and their wallets."
When it was pointed out that the "complete" run only consisted of the first seven episodes, and that it stopped halfway through the second story, Mr. Trestletable said "No, it doesn't".
When pressed further he finally admitted that canceling the series at the beginning of the anniversary year was in keeping with the spirit of the show. "We're thinking of calling this mini-season The Two Faces of the BBC but we worried it might give the game away too soon," he added.
Rick McCallum has promised the 'Ultimate Star Wars Experience' when Episode 2 is released on DVD later this year. "We want to recreate the whole cinema-going experience," he said smugly.
The 2 disc set begins with a four hour car journey across various American highways in an attempt to simulate the arduous journey to get to one of the few theaters in the country that is equipped with digital projection and THX sound. This journey will be accompanied by a tinny version of the Star Wars theme playing through a pair of car speakers and will be punctuated by the odd "Are we there yet?"
Disc 2 presents the entire film in "theatrerama" mode which places the viewer in the middle of Mann's Chinese Theatre. Marvel as the crowd sniggers during the love scene, grow indignant as a plastic lightsaber is waved in front of your face during a pivotal moment, and cringe as someone behind you unsuccessfully tries to open a packet of M&M's really, really quietly.
With Attack of the Clones still wowing audiences when they see the size of the queues, this summer is shaping up to be a veritable smorgasbord of sci-fi finger treats. Which one have you booked your tickets for?
Spiderman: You'll believe a man can eat a fly! Gasp in amazement as your friendly neighbourhood webslinger hurtles through New York so fast it's impossible to tell whether they deleted the World Trade Center or not! Features Willem DeFoe as the Green Goblin, who previously appeared in an episode of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as the Green Bastard.
Scooby Doo: It looks like a dog, it moves like a dog - it must be a dog! It's just a shame you can't say the same thing about the CGI hero who looks and moves like a constipated clothes horse.
Men in Black 2: The audience is memory-wiped so that the same jokes from the first film can be trotted out again.
Minority Report: Tom Cruise plays a futuristic cop who is forced to go on the run when his colleagues discover that he lied about his height on his application form.
Following the news that Dame Judy Dench has walked off the set of the next Bond movie, fans were shocked to hear that the artist Tracey Emin will step into her shoes as Bond's boss.
Tracey, who shot to fame for being pissed and ugly on live television, is rumoured to command Britain's favourite secret agent from an exclusive bistro somewhere in Soho, while gadgets given to Bond to help him on his mission will now include a box of used tampons, a hod full of abstractly positioned bricks and a symbolically pregnant salmon.
Paramount Pictures have announced that the next series of the popular TV SF show Enterprise will be made in a handy microwaveable format. Now fans will be able to enjoy the wonders of the universe every minute of the day!
Just pop each hermetically sealed packet of reconstituted granules into your microwave. After a few minutes a tasty, piping hot adventure that smells like dog food will emerge. Each episode will be available in a variety of flavours, but mostly turkey. You'll find them in the chiller cabinet next to the Buffy D".
The Russian space agency have rejected 'N Sync star Lance Bass' bid to become a space tourist on a forthcoming mission to the International Space Station.
Bass, who recently underwent surgery to correct an irregular dancebeat to ensure his place on the mission, is said to be devastated. "First Star Wars and now this!" he cried.
Russian Aerospace Agency spokesman Konstantin Kreidenko said the rumours concerning Lance were ridiculous. "This is not a frivolous matter; we have our reputations to consider. And besides, we have our heart set on Nick Carter from The Backstreet Boys."
Hayden Christensen can also be seen in the in the movie My Life As A House, where he plays a pair of structural support beams.
A new cut of The Empire Strikes Back will reflect some of the revelations dished out in Episode 2. Now Vader will say "No, Luke - I am your father! And not only that, your stupid gay robot was the best man at my wedding!"
In a subtle bit of fore-shadowing in Episode 2 you can clearly make out the outline of a very recognisable character against the Skywalker homestead (see below)

In an interview for Cahiers du Cinema, George Lucas has revealed that the final moment of his opening trilogy will be a sound effect and not an image after all. Many have suggested that it will be the sound of Darth Vader breathing but Tachyon TV can reveal it is fact the sound of a giant cash register ringing (in THX).
The suggestions that never made it to the screen
From: George Lucas
To: Rick McCallum "Given our success in making Yoda a CGI character, which gave him a wider range of emotions, I was wondering if we could do the same thing with Hayden for the next one?"
#7: Tom Paulin
"When I utter nihilistic claptrap, run! "
Gene Roddenberry's Karma Sutra - C5
A new series based on some notes found in the late producer's bedside cabinet.
Xena - Worrier Princess - Sky One
Xena panics over whether her slip is showing, and then she can't decide whether it's best to let Gabrielle know how she feels about her or should she keep it a secret until the final episode? Will she have any nails left by the end of the season?
First Wave - Channel 4
Presented in 5 easy stages, Francis Ford Coppola's guide on to say good-bye to your career in Hollywood. First, wave!
Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones Dot-to-Dot Book The entire screenplay in one handy volume! £14.99
Obie-1 X-Box game where you play Eminem's best mate trying to score some blunts. £39.99
Final Fantasy X PS2 RPG game which is rumoured to take over 100 hours to complete, and which includes 2 hours of gameplay! £44.99
SFX Magazine Binder - holds up to 6 issues! £1.99

Doctor Who Magazine
Format: Glossy
When: Once a month. Incredible, isn't it?
Who: Clayton Prickman (editor)
How: Can usually be found next to The Bunty and Action Man Comic in WH Smiths
What to expect: Undergraduate dissertations rub shoulders with cartoons, interviews with people who barely remember working on the TV show, and a news service which lets you catch your favourite Doctor in a pantomime or obscure Radio 4 drama.
Recent Issues: 'Behind the Scenes of the BBC Canteen during season 16', 'A Comprehensive Guide to Shoes in the Series', and 'Jon Pertwee Rubs the Back of his Neck: the Pictorial Archive'.
Verdict: Looks like this fan got himself a pirate copy of Quark Express! Not a bad effort overall, and there's a compelling version of Survivor where 4 unknowns are forced to watch the entire series from start to finish. Who will crumble first?
Next Month: Starlog
This week we ask: You've just received authorised permission from George Lucas to act out scenes from the Star Wars saga in your local playground. Which character will you play?
"I'll be Peter Cushing. He got to blow up an entire fucking planet! It was probably full of blood sucking vampires at the time so he was well within his rights and I don't know why he gets such bad rap."
"Can I be the cute one that looked like a teddy bear and had the funny teeth and the annoying laugh? You know, the one with the silly voice who fell over a lot? Yeah, that's the one - Jake Lloyd!"
"Yoda play, me will." "Yoda play, me will.""Yoda play, me will." "Yoda play, me will." "Yoda play, me will." "Yoda play, me
"I'm the tall, hairy one that growled a lot and smelled funny. Well, that's what my wife used to call me before the divorce."
"As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed. Now witness the firepower of this fully operational battle station! How was that, dear?"
Neil Perryman
Andy Thompson
Matthew Sawyer
Paul Samuel
Andrew Waugh